Antenna Presentation at our January 20th Club Meeting
SADRC and the ham community would like to express our appreciation and gratitude to Steve Cerwin WA5FRF who presented propagation and antenna design to our club at Lupe Tortilla held on Saturday, January 20th! We had 31 people in attendance. We also had members from San Antonio Radio Club (SARC), Kendall Amateur Radio Society (KARS), and the South Texas Link System. It was truly a collaborative event of hams in the community.
Steve brought several antennas and electronic measuring equipment to demonstrate signal strength and brought several Antenna designs as a visual aid for us to test and see. It was a very interactive and engaging meeting with all who attended.
A big thanks to Steve and all of those who could attend to support SADRC and Steve. Below are a few pictures taken from the meeting. We will be posting Steve’s presentation on our website at for long term archive and reference.