SADRC History
San Antonio Digital Radio Club
Brief History of SADRC – Where we started and where we are at today
Began officially around 2017
Doug N8IQT and John HagerAE5JO launched the club.
Doug put up 2 repeaters for SADRC 442.750 (2017) & 147.160 in 2018.
Funding with his own monies at his home in North San Antonio, TX.
The club had the opportunity to buy 2 more repeaters on a tower in 2018 in Live Oak. 443.200 and later 146.780. Doug brought on John Douglas W5NZK, Skip Surre – KD4NCPB, Han Huberland – N5HUB (former Director of IT at Rackspace) Who equally purchased the equipment.
Chris, KI5IIZ is the Trustee and manages the Blanco site.
Chris KI5IIZ set up and manages a Go Fund Me as an initial way to support the SADRC network.
In 2020 Doug, N8IQT took the first steps in making the Club formal with the creation of ByLaws, Consitution.
The Club brought other clubs who saw our growth and wanted to be a part of us.
KARS,MARC, STARC, NU5DE (McDade) UT- Austin.
We have several independents
that are now a part of SADRC. Louis – K5UUT
Doug, N8IQT continues to promote Digital Radio.
Doug, N8IQT can be seen at various amatuer radio events, tailgates, ham fests doing public demonstrations of how easy it is to setup a digital radio.
Operating on either batteries or an portable generator, Doug’s setup can be utilized in an emergency situation.