New Repeater

Hello, Please join me in welcoming the DARN (Digital Amateur Radio Club) located in Bruceville/Eddie area off I35.  Don AI5AI and Felix KG5AWL head up this project and they have been long term friends with our group.   They also operate the Texas Nexus network, and we are the 2nd largest C4fm footprint with a different demographic…

Small World

At the June 15 meeting I was pleasantly surprised when John, N8MKR sat down at my table at the meeting. John, N8MKR is from Akron, Ohio, the town where I grew up years ago. John, talked to Doug on the Patriots net because he was coming to San Antonio to visit his son and visit…


Exciting News

Exciting News We have been busy working on raising and adding new repeaters.  We are in discussion with the Corpus Christi (STARC) group who is connected on the air now. We are planning on adding the following this year! Don’t forget we raised our 443.200 in SW San Antonio and this machine has over 40…