October 19th meeting

Note Location! Randy Thomas will give a presentation on MARS radio
Thanks to John Douglas W5NZK who ran our JOTA event at McGimsey Scout Park here in San Antonio. John spent countless hours to make this a rewarding event for everyone involved. There were several volunteers who operated HF on 40, 20, and 10 Meters I would also like to recognize everyone who took time to make…
Please join me in welcoming Tommy W5AMG to SADRC. Repeater: 444.250 City: Sun City (Georgetown area)Range: Approximately 25 miles mobile coverage We’ve known Tommy for several years and he has a lot of experience with Fusion and repeaters in general. We welcome tommy’s knowledge and comradery to our group.
SADRC Friends and Members: In the past year, many of you have asked how you can help keep the club operating financially. The club is an all volunteer organization, while we are not a 501(c3), we can accept “GIFTS” This gift confers no membership status (other than our heartfelt thanks) and is not tax deductible…
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